Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The First Shall Be Last - July 7, 2014

Good Morning Family, it is a beautiful Summer day in Texas, not too hot and not to chilly. All you need is a light jacket...or a cardigan and scarf...which I'm wearing, it's fine haha :) Some members were teasing me on the fourth of July for wearing a cardigan...but it matched...what else I'm I gonna do?

So anyways. Due to some changes in a few companionships in the mission, I have a new companion! Guess who it is :) Sister Hopkins! My MTC companion and I will start our missions together, and also end them together. Thus, the first shall be last. We're having fun. It's crazy to see how different and yet the same we are. We've done four exchanges together throughout our missions and now we're companions again. Laughs 'till the end.

This week has seemed forever long, I think it's the heat. So some highlights:

After district meeting, while eating lunch someone said something about watching Nacho Libre when they first get home from their mission (and it wasn't me), one of the Sister's than said "that's an awful movie to start with." There was shocked silence and maybe a few glares...and I wasn't the only one haha. Glad our district has similar taste...for the most part hahaha.

MLC (missionary Leadership Counsel) was also this week. It was really good. One thing President Slaughter talked about was the insights that we gain about God's knowledge through the JST translations in the Bible. I might have been drooling. Okay, let's be honest, I think I always drool when President Slaughter is teaching us.  My brain just can't take it all in, something's got to make room. Drool. Anyways...

Fourth of July. It was this week, how was y'alls? Mine was pretty good, weekly planning and all. We did have a lunch and a dinner and then a ward activity for the fireworks, too bad it started raining and the party had to be moved inside. Then we had to be home by 8pm and well, hardly anyone was there before then because it was dark. We did get to watch the fireworks from our apartment, so that's fun.

Jason and Gaby have not been heard from since Tuesday. There's been a lot of stress and things in the family and with the situation with her papers, and I am really worried that reading and meeting with us has gotten put to the back burner. Makes me very sad, it might be one of the hardest things of my mission, when I've come to love people so much and they're struggling. We're hoping to be able to meet with them again soon though.

So, Sister Hopkins came from an area called Castle Hills, and that is where Sister Greenall is now (my companion for a week). On Saturday night we received a phone call from them telling us that they had met the sister-in-law of one of their investigators and she had sat in on their lesson. Turns out, this women recognized Sister Greenall. Jump back a week. Sister Greenall and I contacted a women who only spoke Spanish. We talked with her briefly and gave her a pass-along card. This women was the Sister-in-law of the investigator in Castle Hills and she had just been taught the Restoration and wanted to learn more. Whhaatt?? Does that make any sense? Sister Greenall taught someone in Castle Hills, that she and I had contacted a week before in Leon Springs. Que en el Mundo?? So anyways, they referred her to us again, and since we hadn't talked with her a lot, we hadn't written the address down. So Sunday evening, Sister Hopkins and I go on a hunt trying to find her house. Four houses later, we still haven't found it. I knew the area, and I remembered it was on a corner, but for the life of me, I couldn't find it. We were finally driving down this street and we saw a group of people outside. Suddenly, Sister Hopkins started screaming, "STOP! STOP! IT"S RAMIRO!" Her investigator they had been teaching in Castle Hills was at the house of his sister-in-law now, in Leon Springs. What? We found them. The whole ordeal was nuts and still blows my mind a little. We have an appointment to talk with her more on Friday; we gave her a Spanish Book of Mormon and Restoration Pamphlet. We're excited to teach her family more.

I've been doing a new Preach My Gospel Study, doing all of the activities and scriptures (in the text and in the boxes) and questions and consider this boxes, the whole shebang. And after a week of an hour of study everyday,  I'm on page three haha, I'm learning SO much. I decided not to set a time limit for myself. To just study and work on it until I am finished, even if it takes me a year. It has felt so good to just look up all the cross-references and footnotes and definitions I want as I study. For some reason, I think I've put a bind on myself in the past, feeling like I didn't have time to study one part so much. Taking my sweet time now. Anyone who wants to learn how to study or get more out of their study, do this with Preach My Gospel. All the questions. All the Scriptures. All the Activities. Everything. It will teach you how to really study and think.

One thing I've been studying about is teaching by the Spirit (on Page three). It lists a whole bunch of scriptures explaining how we will know if we are teaching by the Spirit. Looks like this:

Inline image 2

Man, putting pictures in like this never gets old :) did y'all enjoy last weeks?

So anyways, I was reading all the scriptures with it and thinking about it before looking at the text explaining each scripture, and I stopped on the D&C 84:85 one and looked up all of the cross references in the footnotes to it. Very thought provoking. Talking mostly about treasuring up the word of God and the promise of how we will not be confounded before men if we speak the thoughts that are given to us by the Spirit.

So later that night, we had a lesson with Janet. Janet has been going to church for two years, her grandson is a member now but for whatever reasons that we keep finding, she has not gotten baptized. She brought up a lot of confusing topics that I'm sure y'all have seen going around the news and Facebook, and towards the end of the lesson I shared my Testimony on the Book of Mormon with her. I told her that the Church and it's organization falls, or it stands with the Book of Mormon. One can't be right without the other. And that no one would gain a sure testimony of these things without reading it for themselves and sincerely praying. I wrote in my Journal afterwards: 

"I was thinking about our lesson with Janet last night, and what I had studied about earlier about our mouths being filled. That happened last night. I know it did, I was able to speak and bare my testimony in a way that I knew the Spirit had filled my mouth.

"Yet, it didn't seem like it mattered to Janet. I could tell that she was listening, but it wasn't absorbing. Why? Didn't I have my mouth filled?

"As I was thinking about this last night, I realized that not one of those scriptures talks about what the other person will do. It doesn't say 'those that you speak to will be astonished and confounded and desire to be baptized' but instead it says 'speak the thoughts that I shall put into your hearts , and you shall not be confounded before men "(D&C 100:5)."

I looked up the definition of "confounded" and read "to throw into disorder or confusion; to confuse; to bewilder, puzzle or perplex." The promise and example in most of those scriptures was that as we treasure up the word in our hearts, we will not be confounded before men. How I came to understand it was as we are studying the Doctrine of Christ and doing our part to learn by faith, we will not be confused, bewildered, puzzled or perplexed by the doctrines of man. 

I've actually seen missionaries and members be puzzled confused and perplexed by what other people have told them about God or even the church that they belong to. And I've seen people leave the church and abandon God over these feelings of confusion. We need to know where to look. And it all does come back to the Book of Mormon. I don't think I have ever doubted that the Church was led by a man divinely called and ordained to be a prophet. Because I knew the Book of Mormon was true, I knew it all was true. The Church and it's organization falls, or it stands with the Book of Mormon. One can't be right without the other. And no one will gain a sure testimony of these things without reading The Book of Mormon for themselves and sincerely praying about it. 

It's either true, or it is not. 

And if it is true, we'd better follow what we then know is true.

So that's about all for the week. Happy Birthday today Sharlan! And Happy birthdays to Mariah, Anthony and Justin Rene! Thinking about y'all this week :)

Hermana Montgomery

PS, Conner Mitchell who  I taught in Palo Alto a year ago finally got his mission call to the Salt Lake City North Mission! Sister Young called and was talking to me, crazy excitement :) He leaves in September!

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