Hellos Family,
It's pretty hot down here. We reached 105 degrees, with
humidity, but most days it juggles between 95 and 100.
We had Zone conference this week with President Slaughter, and
lot of good trainings and things that we talked about in MLC were discussed.
Lot's of thought provoking things.
We also had exchanges this week with the Sisters we live with
and we are starting to plan a training on the Plan of Salvation Lesson for Zone
Training meeting as the STL's it'll be interesting planning a training over the
phone haha.
Sister Hopkins was asked to bear her testimony in the ward
yesterday as the new missionary, and she mentioned that she and I were
companions in the MTC. Then she said that she had been out about seventeen and
a half months. There was a bit of panic in some people realizing that we're
both going to be leaving in three weeks. Plans have been forming to carry
information over. Interesting to be so prepared in knowing what is going to
happen, not sure if I like it more that being told three days before we leave.
We've started teaching a family that was taught in the passed by
the missionaries, their names are Robin and Isabelle. It's been almost two
years since they were investigating and many things have changed for them. It
was neat to watch the Spirit teach them in some of the lessons that we had with
them this week. I think that it humbled me a lot realizing even more how I have
nothing to do with they conversion, and yet so much. It's another paradox of
the Gospel. I have to be studying and make appropriate changes in my life to be
able to teach by the Spirit, but ultimately, it is the Spirit that converts.
I don't know if I've mentioned this, but I'm making a 90-day and
1-year return missionary plan. I figure missionaries are so used to structure
and programs and plans that I should make one for myself for when I am a member
missionary. Kind of like the 90-day Recent Convert Action Plan, not sure if
y'all had those, they're new. What do we need to do for some retention in these
things? I figure the first three months of a missionary being home are just
about as vital as the first 90 days after a person is baptized. This has been somewhat
of a six-month project pondering and studying and asking other people what
their ideas or advice are. So since I have quite a few return missionary family
members and friends and others who have known return missionaries, what is your
advice to me? My question:
What can I do to retain what I have learned as a fulltime missionary and apply
it to being a member missionary?
Sharlan or Danika or Jed and Katie, you could even put the
question on Facebook and get a real sample poll thingy going. I'm curious. What
should missionaries coming home be most prepared for and what can we do in the
first three months and year or so to help us keep what we have learned and
continue to progress? You could even put a picture of me on Facebook to catch
people's attention hahaha. Just kidding. About the picture part anyways.
Mom. Dad. What are 10 things each you wish you had known or your
children had known coming home. Maybe this could be a family home evening
activity. Or a poll at the family reunion. Okay, maybe not. But I really would
like to hear others advice.
Anyways, I can't think of much else to write. Just keep on
keepin on.
Hermana Montgomery
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