Tuesday, July 29, 2014

It Comes in Waves - July 28, 2014

Last night after trying a million members homes to use the bathroom we finally found a part member family we've been working with at home. While Sister Hopkins was in the bathroom Sister Hassinger was asking me how I felt about going home, asking if I was feeling anxious. I told her that it comes in waves where I think about it and panic for a few minutes and then it passes. Jason, her husband missed that we were talking about going home and thought I was talking about using the bathroom instead. We all got a good laugh when he realized I wasn't talking about my bowel movements...hahaha

I had my last exchange this week. Weird. It was with Sister Christiansen our STL leader. We've had four exchanges together now and it was interesting to talk about our different experiences on our missions. She goes home next week with me as well. There are a lot of Sisters going home next week actually. Fourteen. Six of them I've been companions with and four of them I've done exchanges with. Lots of memories. It'll be an emotional day I think.

Anyways, our exchange went really well. We taught a lot of lessons that day and it was good to learn more from Sister Christiansen. She's doing a Book of Mormon study on chosen Israel and she was telling me a lot about it since President Slaughter talked to us about it this last zone conference. I've decided it'll be a future study of mine. The Gospel never get's old. There is always more to learn.

On our exchange we were finally able to meet with an investigator that the elders before us had been working with but we had never met. His name is Paul. And he is homeless. It was really sad to meet with him and his friend at McDonalds, there was only so much we could do. He loves the Book of Mormon, and is pretty far into reading it, but he has some habits that are preventing him from getting baptized. He's looking for work now, and losing faith that he's going to get a job and be able to pick things back up. He's headed up to Dallas today...walking. He called himself a traveler. 

I feel like I've taught quite a few people on my mission who's lives are just falling apart. Awful things and experiences, and what we offer to them is the key. it doesn't necessarily take away the hard and the trials, but it gives us the ability to overcome them.

We taught a women, Janet on Friday. We've taught her many  times, she's an active non-member. I'm sure I've written to you about her before. We talked about how baptism is the only way to access the full power of the Atonement. She stated to us that she believed that she would go to heaven in the end whether or not she was baptized into the Mormon church. All we could do was sit there. Nothing we could say would convince her otherwise. She had lived a "good" life and that was good enough. Since we were on exchanges, I was telling Sister Hopkins about it later and she said something that really struck me. She said "Christ did not suffer so that we could do it our own way." Because he suffered the Atonement, there is only one way. Without baptism, we cannot enter the kingdom of God. Elder Brad Wilcox stated "Scriptures make it clear that no unclean thing can dwell with God (see Alma 40:26), but, brothers and sisters, no unchanged thing will even want to."  Without baptism, we can't become clean through Christ and return to our Father's kingdom. Without having a change of heart and desiring to be baptized, we won't want to be in the kingdom of God, and our desires will be expressed more through our actions than our words. Bare with me, I'm not sure if that all made sense. I spent all morning studying it out because we're teaching Janet again tonight.

I found another name for the Plan of Salvation this week as well, one I'd never thought of before, can't say I'd never read because I have, it just stood out to me this time. 

Alma 41:2-" I say unto thee, my son, that the plan of restoration is requisite with the justice of God.."

The plan of Restoration. Meaning...

"2 ...for it is requisite that all things should be restored to their proper order. Behold, it is requisite and just, according to the power and resurrection of Christ, that the soul of man should be restored to its body, and that every part of the body should be restored to itself.

 3 And it is requisite with the justice of God that men should be judged according to their works; and if their works were good in this life, and the desires of their hearts were good, that they should also, at the last day, be restored unto that which is good.

 4 And if their works are evil they shall be restored unto them for evil. Therefore, all things shall be restored to their proper order, every thing to its natural frame—mortality raised to immortality, corruption to incorruption—raised to endless happiness to inherit the kingdom of God, or to endless misery to inherit the kingdom of the devil, the one on one hand, the other on the other—

 5 The one raised to happiness according to his desires of happiness, or good according to his desires of good; and the other to evil according to his desires of evil; for as he has desired to do evil all the day long even so shall he have his reward of evil when the night cometh.

 6 And so it is on the other hand. If he hath repented of his sins, and desired righteousness until the end of his days, even so he shall be rewarded unto righteousness."

We get out what we put in. Simple rule. We will be restored to what we have done with our lives. 

This will be a future study as well. Names of the Plan of Salvation.

So anyways, that's about all for this week. It was good to hear about the reunion. I'm glad it went well :)

Love Hermana Montgomery

let it grow - July 21, 2014

Well this week has been interesting.
We have not met with Gaby and Jason in almost a month now since her ex husband has been in the hospital with liver failure. It's been really warning on her since she has a lot of responsibility with him, and so we haven't been able to meet. She texted us on Friday with questions about if we knew any liver specialists, and I was finally able to talk with her for a little while. I asked if she's been able to read the Book of Mormon much during all of this, and she said not has much has she was before. She said that mostly she would go on Mormon.org while waiting in the Hospital to take her mind off of things. Watching all of the videos about how others have drawn on the Power of Christ's Atonement in trial had been helping her. It was good for me to hear that that was what she had been doing. Comforting. She texted us again however on Saturday letting us know that her ex husband had passed away. Keeping her and his family in your prayers would be good.
We met with a Less-Active man this week, named Lenard. He sure was stubborn. His marriage had been struggling and he basically was very bitter with God for a lot of things and had become more humble. Still stubborn. We talked briefly -outside in the heat- about doing things God's way. Even though it's hard and probably uncomfortable, we are asked to do it God's way, and not our way. Talking to him and explaining how becoming active again and reading his scriptures would make a difference in his life, it was a good reminder to me, that it is more important to do it God's way.
This last week has been very emotional. I don't think I anticipated this these last couple of weeks. Lot's of things have surfaced and have needed to be talked out with Sister Hopkins. She has been so patient with me these last few days. 
These last few days, what has helped me the most has been reading the Book of Mormon. I've been trying to finish a faith study in the next couple of weeks, and I've been reading the Book of Mormon backwards by books (Moroni, Ether, Mormon, 4th Nephi...etc), and filling any spare time I have, at night before bed, during breakfast, during lunch, and time I could get. This week I was reading the war chapters in Alma, there not ones you might normally think would bring a lot of comfort and peace, but they did. Just reading changed so many things. I've come to find that the more I am reading the Book of Mormon, the more I love reading it. i want to always be a student of the Scriptures. I learned a lot from them these last seventeen and a half months.
Another thing that helped a lot has been writing thank you cards to members in the ward here and other missionaries. I was thinking last night of all the people I have met here in Texas, and how blessed I have been to know them and learn of them and from them. So blessed.
We had dinner with a family last night who had a very intelligent eight-year-old boy. He said that he started reading Harry Potter for the first time about a year ago, and has since read  the whole series five times and the first book at least twelve. We looked at him with raised eye brows and his parents said, "you think he's kidding, but he's really not." I was blown away. Respect. He said that he read fourteen books in three days once as well, and these weren't like picture book ones, there were real ones. I asked him if he's ever read the Book of Mormon all the way through, and he said only with his family. I said I'd give him a candy bar if he could do it in a week and he said "Deal. it's totally work it." He's going to study prayer while doing it, and we are scheduled to come by next Sunday to Follow up. I wish I had time like an eight-year-old. While Sister Hopkins was in the bathroom before dinner he was talking to me and said "okay, I'll quiz you..what is the capital of Taiwan?"...uh, let's not go foreign yet, got to remember all the stateside capitals first. He did have fun guessing what capitals my first and last names were. "Cheyenne couldn't be a girls name, no way" he said. He started singing that Star Wars American Pie song at dinner ya know..."my my mister Anikin guy, may be Vader some day later, now he's just a small fry..." I'm not sure who was more surprised, the eight-year-old or his parents and my companion when I started singing "he left his home and kissed his mommy good-bye saying 'soon I'm gonna be a Jedi, soon I'm gonna be a Jedi'" with him. Thank you Jed and Ammon for ingraining that song into my veins for my whole life. Then he gave us a play-by-play of how the Spurs one. Can you tell I enjoyed dinner with them? hahaha
This morning I was studying in Alma 32 as part of my Faith Study and I thought a lot about something Elder Bednar said while he was here. He said something along the lines of self checking too much and ripping and yanking our testimony and character and understanding trying to see if it was growing and developing yet. He told us to have patience and to just let it grow. It reminded me about what Elder Uchtdorf in his talk Forget Me Not in October 2011. He said (referring to Willie Wonka's golden ticket):
"So many people today are waiting for their own golden ticket—the ticket that they believe holds the key to the happiness they have always dreamed about. For some, the golden ticket may be a perfect marriage; for others, a magazine-cover home or perhaps freedom from stress or worry.
"There is nothing wrong with righteous yearnings—we hope and seek after things that are “virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy.” The problem comes when we put our happiness on hold as we wait for some future event—our golden ticket—to appear...
"The happiest people I know are not those who find their golden ticket; they are those who, while in pursuit of worthy goals, discover and treasure the beauty and sweetness of the everyday moments. They are the ones who, thread by daily thread, weave a tapestry of gratitude and wonder throughout their lives. These are they who are truly happy."
I feel that often in my life I have yanked and ripped at my desires for being happy. Especially when waiting for what I think will make me happy. Buying that Camera. Having someone get baptized. Getting a Job. Finishing school. Having a different companion. Not having companions. Getting Married. On and on and on. Always double checking: "Am I Happy? Am I Happy? Am I Happy now? What's going to make me happy" 
Why do I do that? Why do I have to check? Why can't I just try to found happiness right now, not dependent on what my circumstances are?
Just let it grow and learn happiness now.
I've been thinking a lot about that. What is happy? What is sad? What causes them? Is being happy different than having happiness? Yesss...many thoughts.
So anyways. That's about been my week.
That's all. Love,
Hermana Cheyenne Montgomery

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

90-day Return Missionary Retention Plan - July 14, 2014

Hellos Family,
It's pretty hot down here. We reached 105 degrees, with humidity, but most days it juggles between 95 and 100.
We had Zone conference this week with President Slaughter, and lot of good trainings and things that we talked about in MLC were discussed. Lot's of thought provoking things.
We also had exchanges this week with the Sisters we live with and we are starting to plan a training on the Plan of Salvation Lesson for Zone Training meeting as the STL's it'll be interesting planning a training over the phone haha.
Sister Hopkins was asked to bear her testimony in the ward yesterday as the new missionary, and she mentioned that she and I were companions in the MTC. Then she said that she had been out about seventeen and a half months. There was a bit of panic in some people realizing that we're both going to be leaving in three weeks. Plans have been forming to carry information over. Interesting to be so prepared in knowing what is going to happen, not sure if I like it more that being told three days before we leave. Eh.
We've started teaching a family that was taught in the passed by the missionaries, their names are Robin and Isabelle. It's been almost two years since they were investigating and many things have changed for them. It was neat to watch the Spirit teach them in some of the lessons that we had with them this week. I think that it humbled me a lot realizing even more how I have nothing to do with they conversion, and yet so much. It's another paradox of the Gospel. I have to be studying and make appropriate changes in my life to be able to teach by the Spirit, but ultimately, it is the Spirit that converts.
I don't know if I've mentioned this, but I'm making a 90-day and 1-year return missionary plan. I figure missionaries are so used to structure and programs and plans that I should make one for myself for when I am a member missionary. Kind of like the 90-day Recent Convert Action Plan, not sure if y'all had those, they're new. What do we need to do for some retention in these things? I figure the first three months of a missionary being home are just about as vital as the first 90 days after a person is baptized. This has been somewhat of a six-month project pondering and studying and asking other people what their ideas or advice are. So since I have quite a few return missionary family members and friends and others who have known return missionaries, what is your advice to me? My question:

What can I do to retain what I have learned as a fulltime missionary and apply it to being a member missionary?
Sharlan or Danika or Jed and Katie, you could even put the question on Facebook and get a real sample poll thingy going. I'm curious. What should missionaries coming home be most prepared for and what can we do in the first three months and year or so to help us keep what we have learned and continue to progress? You could even put a picture of me on Facebook to catch people's attention hahaha. Just kidding. About the picture part anyways.
Mom. Dad. What are 10 things each you wish you had known or your children had known coming home. Maybe this could be a family home evening activity. Or a poll at the family reunion. Okay, maybe not. But I really would like to hear others advice.
Anyways, I can't think of much else to write. Just keep on keepin on.
Hermana Montgomery

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The First Shall Be Last - July 7, 2014

Good Morning Family, it is a beautiful Summer day in Texas, not too hot and not to chilly. All you need is a light jacket...or a cardigan and scarf...which I'm wearing, it's fine haha :) Some members were teasing me on the fourth of July for wearing a cardigan...but it matched...what else I'm I gonna do?

So anyways. Due to some changes in a few companionships in the mission, I have a new companion! Guess who it is :) Sister Hopkins! My MTC companion and I will start our missions together, and also end them together. Thus, the first shall be last. We're having fun. It's crazy to see how different and yet the same we are. We've done four exchanges together throughout our missions and now we're companions again. Laughs 'till the end.

This week has seemed forever long, I think it's the heat. So some highlights:

After district meeting, while eating lunch someone said something about watching Nacho Libre when they first get home from their mission (and it wasn't me), one of the Sister's than said "that's an awful movie to start with." There was shocked silence and maybe a few glares...and I wasn't the only one haha. Glad our district has similar taste...for the most part hahaha.

MLC (missionary Leadership Counsel) was also this week. It was really good. One thing President Slaughter talked about was the insights that we gain about God's knowledge through the JST translations in the Bible. I might have been drooling. Okay, let's be honest, I think I always drool when President Slaughter is teaching us.  My brain just can't take it all in, something's got to make room. Drool. Anyways...

Fourth of July. It was this week, how was y'alls? Mine was pretty good, weekly planning and all. We did have a lunch and a dinner and then a ward activity for the fireworks, too bad it started raining and the party had to be moved inside. Then we had to be home by 8pm and well, hardly anyone was there before then because it was dark. We did get to watch the fireworks from our apartment, so that's fun.

Jason and Gaby have not been heard from since Tuesday. There's been a lot of stress and things in the family and with the situation with her papers, and I am really worried that reading and meeting with us has gotten put to the back burner. Makes me very sad, it might be one of the hardest things of my mission, when I've come to love people so much and they're struggling. We're hoping to be able to meet with them again soon though.

So, Sister Hopkins came from an area called Castle Hills, and that is where Sister Greenall is now (my companion for a week). On Saturday night we received a phone call from them telling us that they had met the sister-in-law of one of their investigators and she had sat in on their lesson. Turns out, this women recognized Sister Greenall. Jump back a week. Sister Greenall and I contacted a women who only spoke Spanish. We talked with her briefly and gave her a pass-along card. This women was the Sister-in-law of the investigator in Castle Hills and she had just been taught the Restoration and wanted to learn more. Whhaatt?? Does that make any sense? Sister Greenall taught someone in Castle Hills, that she and I had contacted a week before in Leon Springs. Que en el Mundo?? So anyways, they referred her to us again, and since we hadn't talked with her a lot, we hadn't written the address down. So Sunday evening, Sister Hopkins and I go on a hunt trying to find her house. Four houses later, we still haven't found it. I knew the area, and I remembered it was on a corner, but for the life of me, I couldn't find it. We were finally driving down this street and we saw a group of people outside. Suddenly, Sister Hopkins started screaming, "STOP! STOP! IT"S RAMIRO!" Her investigator they had been teaching in Castle Hills was at the house of his sister-in-law now, in Leon Springs. What? We found them. The whole ordeal was nuts and still blows my mind a little. We have an appointment to talk with her more on Friday; we gave her a Spanish Book of Mormon and Restoration Pamphlet. We're excited to teach her family more.

I've been doing a new Preach My Gospel Study, doing all of the activities and scriptures (in the text and in the boxes) and questions and consider this boxes, the whole shebang. And after a week of an hour of study everyday,  I'm on page three haha, I'm learning SO much. I decided not to set a time limit for myself. To just study and work on it until I am finished, even if it takes me a year. It has felt so good to just look up all the cross-references and footnotes and definitions I want as I study. For some reason, I think I've put a bind on myself in the past, feeling like I didn't have time to study one part so much. Taking my sweet time now. Anyone who wants to learn how to study or get more out of their study, do this with Preach My Gospel. All the questions. All the Scriptures. All the Activities. Everything. It will teach you how to really study and think.

One thing I've been studying about is teaching by the Spirit (on Page three). It lists a whole bunch of scriptures explaining how we will know if we are teaching by the Spirit. Looks like this:

Inline image 2

Man, putting pictures in like this never gets old :) did y'all enjoy last weeks?

So anyways, I was reading all the scriptures with it and thinking about it before looking at the text explaining each scripture, and I stopped on the D&C 84:85 one and looked up all of the cross references in the footnotes to it. Very thought provoking. Talking mostly about treasuring up the word of God and the promise of how we will not be confounded before men if we speak the thoughts that are given to us by the Spirit.

So later that night, we had a lesson with Janet. Janet has been going to church for two years, her grandson is a member now but for whatever reasons that we keep finding, she has not gotten baptized. She brought up a lot of confusing topics that I'm sure y'all have seen going around the news and Facebook, and towards the end of the lesson I shared my Testimony on the Book of Mormon with her. I told her that the Church and it's organization falls, or it stands with the Book of Mormon. One can't be right without the other. And that no one would gain a sure testimony of these things without reading it for themselves and sincerely praying. I wrote in my Journal afterwards: 

"I was thinking about our lesson with Janet last night, and what I had studied about earlier about our mouths being filled. That happened last night. I know it did, I was able to speak and bare my testimony in a way that I knew the Spirit had filled my mouth.

"Yet, it didn't seem like it mattered to Janet. I could tell that she was listening, but it wasn't absorbing. Why? Didn't I have my mouth filled?

"As I was thinking about this last night, I realized that not one of those scriptures talks about what the other person will do. It doesn't say 'those that you speak to will be astonished and confounded and desire to be baptized' but instead it says 'speak the thoughts that I shall put into your hearts , and you shall not be confounded before men "(D&C 100:5)."

I looked up the definition of "confounded" and read "to throw into disorder or confusion; to confuse; to bewilder, puzzle or perplex." The promise and example in most of those scriptures was that as we treasure up the word in our hearts, we will not be confounded before men. How I came to understand it was as we are studying the Doctrine of Christ and doing our part to learn by faith, we will not be confused, bewildered, puzzled or perplexed by the doctrines of man. 

I've actually seen missionaries and members be puzzled confused and perplexed by what other people have told them about God or even the church that they belong to. And I've seen people leave the church and abandon God over these feelings of confusion. We need to know where to look. And it all does come back to the Book of Mormon. I don't think I have ever doubted that the Church was led by a man divinely called and ordained to be a prophet. Because I knew the Book of Mormon was true, I knew it all was true. The Church and it's organization falls, or it stands with the Book of Mormon. One can't be right without the other. And no one will gain a sure testimony of these things without reading The Book of Mormon for themselves and sincerely praying about it. 

It's either true, or it is not. 

And if it is true, we'd better follow what we then know is true.

So that's about all for the week. Happy Birthday today Sharlan! And Happy birthdays to Mariah, Anthony and Justin Rene! Thinking about y'all this week :)

Hermana Montgomery

PS, Conner Mitchell who  I taught in Palo Alto a year ago finally got his mission call to the Salt Lake City North Mission! Sister Young called and was talking to me, crazy excitement :) He leaves in September!