Monday, May 26, 2014

"And There's a Triple-in in Leon Springs Ward..." Yep..That's Me. - May 19, 2014

Dearest Family,
Since I was transferred last week I guess the biggest news I could tell y'all about is my new area. I'm in a place at the very north side of San Antonio, and I'm in a trio again! We were also tripled into an area, meaning Elders were moved out and we were moved in. First Sisters the Ward has ever had. Intimidating? Possibly. 
It's called Leon Springs and it's just a little baby area, well, baby compared to Pleasanton it is(Sister Regan Stayed and her new companion is actually my old companion Sister Lund who I served with in Del Rio). We live with another companionship (Sister Farmer and Sister Felix) and so we have five Sisters in our apartment, it's almost like being at BYU-I again...only with less bedrooms and more desks. We have a bunk bed and we originally had our desks in the bedroom as well, but it was a bit claustrophobic and plus there was no light in the bedroom, so we took over the front room with the other Sister Permission.

My Companions are Sister Done (Dow-ne, like dome only Done) from Logan Utah who has been out for eight months and actually just came from my stomping ground in Del Rio, and Sister Chambers from Perry Utah (by Brigham City) who has been out 16 months and came from Rockdale north of Austin. They are gems. We get along really well. Sister Chambers keeps us calm, Sister Done keeps us focused and I keep us laughing. Sister Chambers has the addresses, Sister Done has the phone and I have the keys. I was going to try and red dot myself so I wouldn't be there driver anymore since I've gotten really tired, but Sister Chambers got in an accident and is red-dotted, and Sister Done won't be driving her mission. Therefore, I drive. It's not so bad, we have a gps in this area now, saves our lives. I'm glad Sister Chambers has been out longer than I have, it takes the focus off of me. She goes home in June, so this is her last transfer. We've been role playing what to say to people when they ask us how long we've been out. She's tried the ploy "a little over a year" and some members have already called her out on it. I just say 15 months and start laughing, because I know they'll make a bigger deal out of her.
So triple-in. Our ward doesn't have houses. It has castles. Literally. We went to our ward mission leaders house and I almost drove off the drive way onto the grass because I was staring at his house with my mouth open. HUGE. It may or may not have had a courtyard. It's also a lot of young families, and the area is very family oriented, not just the members but a lot of the other people we have met as well. It's interesting. We have to be careful of the 8pm hour because a lot of families are putting kids to bed, and as you know...bed time is not always the best hour for visitors. 
There were a few investigators that the Elders had been working with; even a couple of active-non members, but no one has really been progressing. The area has so much potential though. We started visiting members and part-member families and less active families and then if they weren't home we would knock around a little.

Friday evening (so we had only been in the area about 24-hours) we decided to knock on this door and a young mom opened the door and started talking to us. Her name is Stephanie and at first we started to schedule a time to come back the next day, but after a few more minutes of talking to told us to just come in a talk to her for a couple of minutes. When we got in, she started talking to us about her passed (married and divorced twice and now living with a man 20-years older than her), it felt like she was giving us a check list of all the information that missionaries normally ask about. It's like she knew Preach My Gospel. We taught the Restoration in about 15 minutes with the Pamphlet showing her the pictures and asking her questions, she was very focused and listening carefully. She caught on very fast. We set up a return appointment for the next morning. Oh, and when we went to give her a Book of Mormon, we realized that non of us had one and we would have to get one from the car. When we got to the car to get one for her, we realized that we hadn't brought any of our supplies out into the car yet and therefore we had no Book of Mormons. "Quick!" I said "Everyone look under the seats and in all the compartments!" We were frantic. Found a golden investigator and couldn't even give her a Book of Mormon. And then Sister Done found one in the glove compartment. Let's just say it: God answers prayers.
The next morning when we went back to visit Stephanie, she wasn't home, but her "boyfriend" Boyd was home. We were a little worried at first, but then he asked us if we could come back at noon because he wanted to take the three of us to lunch and ask us some questions. Whaaattt? Stephanie had told him a lot about us, and I mean, he knew almost everything we had talked about the night before. So we came back at noon and followed him to a restaurant called Dog and Pony. As we were eating, we asked us questions about our missions and plans for afterwards. He talked about his family and how he met Stephanie and what role Christ has played in his life. He talked about how we all needed a foundation on Christ or life wouldn't be anything. Basically he was almost word for word quoting our doctrine! It's like he knew the Book of Mormon. My jaw may have hung open a little at things he said. He started talking about how he believed the family unit these days was being attacked and we needed something. We then pulled out the Family Proclamation (Which we had all studied and role played with that morning to use with Him and Stephanie-Miracle!). He loved it. Once we finished he looked at us and said "Do you know what it would do to the world if everyone read this and lived it?" Gold Star. He told us how The Family Proclamation was going to be a point of study and discussion for his family in the coming days (They have five kids-19, 18, 16 ,6 and 2). Basically, I've never met a family so prepared to have and live the Gospel. It blew me away.
And this is just one of the families we have found this weekend. I feel like God is just blessing us with people who are prepared. We're super excited to be in this area, and are expecting to see miracles.
We sing hymns in three parts while driving in the car and role play a lot. I take a lot of pictures and they laugh at me. Some times I have to explain my humor. We are all so different, and yet it just works. It's kinda like having Brennen from the TV show Bones and Anne from Anne of Green Gables as companion’s hahaha and then there's me. Makes for interesting days :)
Well family, I'm learning so much. Studies have never been better, the work is going to get going and I'm in a trio again. Here comes the Sun do do do do :)
Sister Cheyenne Montgomery

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