Saturday, August 31, 2013

Stinky Feet, Change in lesson Plans, 3 Nephi and on, God is Good and The Gospel is Real!

Hola Mi Familia!
Family, I love y'all. I just about died from all the excitement going on there at home. Y'all are the greatest :) Jubilee, being a real life adult really did change you. You sound different. It was good to hear about all your Educational news. The Gospel, Family, Hunger Games, New mission  leaders, broken fingers, ya know. Just life :) Y'all sound like you're doing good! I appreciate your emails a lot :)  So for this week, let me get y'all in on the "deets" as Abby now Buck would say...
Monday: I wrote a bajillion letters. And I finished making a Gospel of Jesus Christ diagram thing to share in lessons. It's kinda like a Plan of Salvation set up with all the circles and the pictures, but it has the principles of the Gospel. It's pretty neat if I do say so myself. We started using it in a few of our lessons and people liked it a lot. Sister Young and I were wanting to make pictures and diagrams for all of the PMG lessons. I'm just starving for the Gospel ALL THE TIME. There's never enough time to read and to study. Good thing I have the rest of eternity to get it all figured out. We have a "Finding by Faith" training by President Slaughter tomorrow, and I've been dying to hear what he's prepared for us.
Tuesday: We've been asked to set goals with our YSA members so that they can progress Spiritually, since it's very easy for us to become stagnate in our Spiritual growth. And so meeting with them we've been doing. It has changed my WHOLE perspective on goal setting. A lot. We met with our EQ President on Tuesday, at McDonalds since we couldn't meet at the church without a third girl. He has had a lot on his plate with this Branch and his been very overwhelmed. Surprise. So we talked with him about how to set goals and what was important to accomplish right now. We read part of Elder Hollands talk "Lord, I Believe" ya know the part that talks about not being afraid to ask for help when we need it. It get's me every time I'm being Prideful and not wanting to ask other people for help. Meeting with him has changed him a lot. He's started to set goals and he talked to us about how our lesson effected him. After he went to a lesson with us, with some of his Friends from work, he was shaking because he wanted to hug us so bad. So instead he gave us a really strong hand shake while grasping our elbow with his other hand. He called it the "Joseph Smith Hand Shake." Watch the Joseph Smith movie and you'll find it haha. He told us it was the closest he could come to hugging us.
Wednesday:We had dinner with a girl in our Branch, Diane, and her brothers family she's living with. Diane served her mission in New York Spanish Speaking and is WAY smart. She graduated from BYU in German and Geography. She wants to be a teacher. And she is AWESOME! But, her brothers family. Holy Cow. We got there and before we could say anything arms were wrapped around our waists as six children rushed us outside the door with cats and dogs. Diane's brother has six children under eleven, sound familiar? They were fantastic and everything that comes with a big family. The parents reminded me a lot of Jared and Tina. They even looked like them. She just finished law school and he is in the middle of law school. They said that their youngest child, John will basically grow up in the law school library. She took her final holding him in one arm and typing with the other. Yeah. She's pretty diligent. We also had another PMG night after dinner with our members where they got to role play a bit being missionaries. It could have gone time haha.
Thursday: Weekly planning. Eh. We did end up meeting with one of our members and his mother. She was a less-active and then came back and he was baptized at 16-years-old. I didn't know that about them. It makes me grateful to be getting to know our members better here. They're real people too. And they need to come unto Christ as well.
Friday: Sister Young and I got up earlier and hitched a ride with Elder and Sister Clark (the military relations senior couple we work with) to BMT graduation. Yes, I am getting to know the military lingo better, BMT simply stands for Basic MIlitary Training. That's only one of the many things we've learned about the military in the last three months. But anyways...graduation. We had two investigators who were graduating and so we got permission to go so meet their families. It was neat :) it actually reminded me a lot a lot of marching band with all the calls and marching and salutes and things. Flashbacks galore. We also got to tour their dorms after the graduation. Eh. Awful. We got to see first hand about all the places they've talked to us about. Elder Clark also toured us around the planes a bit and gave us background on them. It was neat. Pictures to come :)
Saturday:Rush rush rush getting things ready for Sunday. We mostly met with members and set more goals and made a lot of phone calls. The life of a missionary.
Sunday: I have a love/hate deal going on with Sundays here. We have about 14 hour days on Sunday starting with Branch council on the Base at 7:15 in the morning. Then we have church and lessons and then go to the YSA branch PEC and then church and lessons there and then we don't get done until about 3pm with church and things. Then we have about an hour until we go home for dinner, so we try to schedule things to fill up. And then after dinner we have more calls and more appointments. Food and Bathroom use. Those are the two things that Sister Young and I decided we don't get enough of on Sundays. But Church is always good. On base yesterday we got to meet one of our graduating investigators wives. They talked to us a lot about how much he has changed taking the lessons with us and learning about the gospel. He told us that he wouldn't have been able to make it through BMT much less everything else that happened without meeting with us. It's good to know that we're making a difference in people's lives. It makes the hard worth it.
Well family. I didn't even get to record a hundredth part of all that has transpired in this last week, but it will have to do.  I'm proud of y'all. Who you are and what you're doing. Keep at it :)
"Cath up with ya later"
 Hermana C. Montgomery

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