Saturday, August 10, 2013

Odds and Ends

Well hello family of mine!
Whew, good thing we have all the time we want to email now, because I just spent 40 minutes reading letters and emails. Y'all are the bestest.
This week has been a whirlwind of events.
We went to visit a 22-year-old less-avtice boy this week, since we had a little time between lessons. When we arrived, we found that he didn't live there anymore, but now lives in Washington, so we talked to his parents for a little while. His adopted mother, Monica Rodgers, turns out was a YSA here in San Antonio about 15 years ago and helped build up the YSA program from 10 people to about 50-60 people. So we talked for a while and laughed a lot, bouncing ideas off each other. Her mother was there visiting, and we later found out that Monica had been having a really hard week. And then we stopped by. Her mom told us that she hasn't seen Monica smile for a while until we stopped by. After we left, I thought to myself "this is real missionary work" building other people up, no matter who they are and sharing Christ's love for them. He called her a few days later and asked if we could meet with her to get some more feedback and ideas for things we can do in our Branch, she told us to come for dinner too and we brought our branch missionary, Isa. After dinner and our planning session, we shared the mormon message "good things to come" from Elder Hollands talk. Hits the spot every time. It's become Mine and Sister Youngs favorite to chare. All inspired from Sharlan writing me and reminding me of it a couple months ago. God is so smart. He just knows where we all need to be, and if we let Him, he can make more of our lives and efforts than we ever could. We're not sure who was helped more that day, Monica or us. God is so smart.
I've started reading the Book of Mormon again this month, and I decided to have my study come from Luke 14:27 "And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come follow after me, cannot be my disciple. Wherefore, settle this in your hearts, that ye will do the things which I shall teach and command you." I'm studying how to settle the gospel deep in my heart, and how changes of heart take place. In doing that, I've been studying Preach My Gospel a lot more. Sister Young and I have been studying a principle everyday from Preach My Gospel. Let me just say, I have fallen in love with it. I wish that I had used it better the last 6 months, because it really teaches you how to be a disciple of Christ. Sister Young and I have started encouraging memebers to have one, and we've been giving them chapters to study before we come and visit them so that we can talk and discuss it. it's incredible to see the change that has taken place in our teaching and in the memebers attitude. In doing this, I've been highlighting different Preach My Gospel principles in the Book of Mormon while reading it. My Book of Mormon is a rainbow. Just within the first chapters of 1 Nephi, all of the principles of the Gospel have been exemplified. It's incredible! Really. So I now have a challenge for y'all. Everyone, get your OWN Preach My Gospel and start studying it. Really. Jed told us to do this like 7 years ago, and being the 12-year-old punk I was, I thought "study the Missionary book? Why? I'm not a missionary." FALSE. It's not just the missionary book. It is what Heavenly Father has given us to help prepare the hearts of men to accept the Gospel. READ IT. Your life will change. I promise.
Okay, I'm done ranting at you. But really, read it. Use the lessons in FHE and reading at night. If Jubilee and Ammon want to become better missionaries, get your own preach my gospel and read it. Highlight it. Sister Young and I have been doing lesson plans, so we think of personal experience, analogies, pictures, stories or other things to use in lessons. Y'all can do this too. Understanding the Gospel and the Atonement is what gives people the desire to change and share the gospel. Sister Young and I have been seeing this change take place in our Branch. Try it, you'll like it :)
Right now, we have two investigators, Brittany and Vanessa. both are gems and so ready to accept the Gospel, but it's hard to let go of their life before. Lots of changes need to be made, and it's a scary thing. They both know it's true though. It's an experience everytime we meet with them.
The airforce base is the best. Literally a Heaven for missionaries. We have four preparing for baptism, and everytime we go tto go on to Lackland we have a good experience. Sister Young and I decided we would both struggle if we were moved away from them. They're so great. The Senior Couple serving with us there, Elder and Sister Clark are the best. Sister Clark said that she wrote about us on her blog. I'm not sure how you could find it. Maybe try googling "lackland airforce base, clarks, missionaries" I don't know. I'll see if I can get a blog address.
Well family. I think that's all. Time is now running out. Gots to go.
Love those babies for me. And send pictures. You know how I like those.
Also, I can recieve and respond to emails from anyone now. Just not males in my mission area. But everyone else I can. So getting others emails would be great :)
Also, I haven't used my debit card really this week.  I can check it out today though.
Les Quiero muchisimo mi familia!
Love, Hermana Montgomery

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