Tuesday, I had exchanges with my old MTC Companion, Hermana Hopkins again, only this time she was my STL (Sister Training Leader). We switched companions Monday night and drove back through down town San Antonio in the dark. But it was a good exchange.
That day we got to have lunch with a member and his two sisters and his wife (he's the former stake President) and afterwards he showed us his airplanes. Yep, he has like 6-10 airplanes on his property since he helps run a airplane museum from WWII I think...they were cool :) He also has his own personal airplane that he and his wife use to just ya know...travel around in.I mentioned it to Hermana Rodriguez and we had a good idea of him taking us up in one, but then I said "well, we'd have to get permission for that" she responded with "it's not in the whitehanbook"...we had a good laugh. Don't worry mom, we're not going to be getting a ride in an airplane anytime soon :)
With Hermana Hopkins, we decided to go and visit a former investigator who lived a little ways out, and who the missionaries hadn't seen in a few years. We pulled up to the house in the middle of no where to have a donkey start freaking out and braying at us...well that's a weird sound...Hermana Hopkins and I just looked at each other, normally we get dogs...oh wait, those were there too. A young man ran out of the house to talk to us and we were invited in. His father was the former investigator, and his sister and her husband came out as well. As we started teaching, their neighbors came up the drive way and then sat down as well. They started talking about how they'd started praying as a family three months before, and they were interested in our message.It was like a picture perfect "teach families" and "clear the blind spots" situation. Whattt? That never happens to me. Actually, quite a few things have been happening like that lately, situations and experiences that you hear about on missions but never happen to you...it's been interesting...cause they've been happening to me.
Later that night we also visited a referral from some other Missionaries and contacted Jesus Flores. He is a quirky Hispanic man who told us his life story which involved drugs, armed robbery, prison, almost murder and in the end finding Christ. He now goes around to prisons in Texas and gives speeches to people about his experiences and how people can change. Pretty neat actually. We have a return appointment with him this Tuesday :)
Remember that flubbed up baptism invite I told you about in Spanish last week? Well the girl we were teaching, Viridiana, has a lot of questions. We've been teaching her more, and she's been coming to church and activities and asking questions in Sunday school and everything. She even came to a nursing home with our Branch, and when asked where we were from she proudly explained we were from the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints. She even went out and bought a dress (a modest one too) before church this Sunday. We have high hopes for her :)
We've had several appointments out in the boonies of our area, and sometimes our GPS picks up roads...that are not really roads...they're more like, weeds that have tire tracks in them. So we were pretty much off-roading a couple of times this week. Good thing we have a truck :)
We've haven't gotten snow here, but it's been pretty fridged cold.
I had an idea to organize our Less-active information differently, and so Sister Rodriguez and I went to Office Depot to get some dividers. I hadn't been feeling good that day or the day before, so I hadn't done my hair and make up.The last time we were at Office Depot, we were making copies of our big maps for our Ward Relief Society President. We were getting three copies, but only ended up being charged for one. I said it was because the bottom of two of them got cut off. Sister Rodriguez says it was because the cashier was flirting with me as he made the copies. I was ignoring that part. But as we were leaving for Office Depot, Sister Rodriguez, grinning, told me I should go put make up on so that we could get stuff for free again. I told her to stop trying to sell me haha
Well family, I can't think of anything else to write. Thank you for the package and the letters! It means a lot, and also for the painting by Liz Swindle! I couldn't believe you still remembered I wanted it, it's currently in a frame in our front room. I supply the decorations in our apartment with all f the picture y'all send me :) Hermana Hopkins went through looking at all of the pictures saying "this is yours, this is yours, that's yours...etc" She know's what I like and y'all do too haha
I love y'all. Good luck with all of your writings and projects and thesis statements and schooling. Don't get too cold in storage Sharlan.
Hermana Chey
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