Sorry it's going to be short today, we don't have a lot of time since where we normally email at is closed for Christmas Break already. i might have time to write more later though. Depends.
HOW IS EVERYONE?! I feel like I don't get a lot of news from y'all. How's Ammon? How's Jed? How's Abby Buck and Larisa Hayden? How are the little kids? Who's going on missions, who's getting married? Who Who Who??
Eh, forget that part. How's everyone's scripture reading been going? We'll get to the meat haha
I've gone a little crazy, can you tell? We had six, SIX investigator families lined up to come to our English and Spanish Branches yesterday and guess how many ZERO. I was a little bitter yesterday. Well, actually there was nothing little about it at all. We even went to one of theirs house BEFORE church at 8am to start a fast with them for a divorce to happen. No answer.Then we went again during Sunday School since their sacrament meeting would be last. No answer. We texted we called we had firm commitments in was an awesome Christmas Program and....ZERO. I have never been so bitter about investigators not coming to sacrament meeting. It was kinda a come to church or we have to let them go kinda Sunday, and no one came to Church. I was BITTER and may or may not have been crying in Sacrament meeting. Hermana Pond and I had a nice chat about it and the Natural man and we've decided he's no good.
It made me think about that quote "The Gospel is here to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable." Ahhhhh! Yesterday was difficult. Bad mood all over the place. And so our goal for this week is to find the elect. To figure out who is read to accept and live the Gospel and who is not. Poor Hermana Pond trying to help me not be so upset about things. At one point she leaned in a said "Did you not tell him they were the Lord's chips?" to which I said something like "Did they not know it was the Lord's day?" Ah. Frustrating mess. Hermana Pond told me that she knew what to do to make me feel better, and she proceeded to quote Nacho Libre and hum the Harry Potter theme the rest of the day. She knows me too well.
We had Zone Meeting on Tuesday, and Hermana Pond and I gave a training on our Purpose as Missionaries. Hermana Pond actually had a sore throat and lost her voice, so I ended up doing a lot of the talking. He first had them stand up to say our Purpose Statement that we say every morning. So everyone started:
"I have been called of Jesus Christ to serve in the Texas San Antonio Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints. I will Boldly invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored Gospel, through faith..." and then we cut them off.
We asked them if they knew what they were saying, or if they were just saying it to say it. We had them sit down, and by this time people were paying attention. We picked out key words in our purpose Statement like Invite, Others, Jesus Christ, Recieve, Faith, Repentence, Baptism, Holy Ghost and Enduring, and talked about each one individually. I shared a lot about learning to have faith again and being humble and becoming like Christ by spending time with him. I felt like I shared some pretty personal things, but I don't really remember what. I don't think it was me talking at that point. I guess someone needed to hear it.
We also had President Interviews this week and a Special Spanish Training in which we were to the qualifications to receive the Spanish Certificate have been changed in our mission. It's a lot more focused on helping us learn Spanish as opposed to just know Spanish. If that makes sense. more on that another time. But it has already helped me a lot with my Spanish.
We had a lesson with a man, Juan, who we haven't seen in about three weeks. When I was companions with Sister Lund, I couldn't understand anything that he said. Nada. It was so difficult. Last night, I understood about 96.8% of what he said. Well what do ya know, I am improving :)
While in my interview with President Slaughter, I told him that I felt like my focus was split. Like I couldn't do, become and be everything that I needed to while on my mission. He told me that we're not expected to be linguists or scriptorians. He told me that if a Fire Hydrant were spraying water at us, sometimes, God expects us to get a straw and simply sip what we can. That's all he expects of us. To Simply sip. Good things to keep in mind.
Well, time is out. I love you all and what to hear from everyone :) Remember when life Floods you with water, simply sip at it.
Hermana Montgomery
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