Greetings from your now 20-year-old gal :)
How is everyone? I got your packages, they were FABULOUS! Sharlan, you know just what to give a missionary. Nailed it! Mom and dad, the skirts are perfect for biking, and the mormon messages DVDs...the BEST! all the goodness I could ask for in those boxes! Thank you so much :D
This week has been a pretty eventful week.
Monday:P-day crazy-ness. Never enough time. But I did write some nice letters, I hope y'all enjoy the pictures I draw...haha
Tuesday: BIRTHDAY! I got up and after showering I came out into the front room to get something, all the other Sisters were standing around awkwardly in the Kitchen, I was clueless as to what was going on, so then I was like, "I'm I suppose to come into the kitchen or something...?" They had made me a birthday breakfast :) Completely surprised me, I wasn't expecting it at all. So that was kind'a fun :) We also had the car that day, and our Traveling Sister, Sister Isham, (or an AP who is a Sister) was staying with us since her comp was on exchanges with Eagle Pass. So we were driving out on our way and we almost ran over a turtle. But being the kind hearted Sisters that we are, we saved him, and carried him across the road to safety. Then we blinded him by taking a mission pictures with him. We also gave him a name. Turdy. We spent the rest of the day contacting potentials and visiting less-active Sisters. Then we had dinner with the Judd family. Since Sister Lund's birthday was last week as well, they decorated for us and we got to pick the dinner. I picked tacos, like we have at home...ya know americanized haha, and Sister Lund picked Starberry short cake. All in all a really fun birthday dinner. They're a good family, and they help us out a lot in the work. I basically want to be them when I come home.
Thursday: We had to go in early since it was Halloween, and we're not suppose to be out that night. So we weekly planned instead. And we came to realize why we don't weekly plan at night. There is no companion from the MTC was also with us since her companion had to go to a meeting in San Antonio. It was fun to be reunited again :) I get to go down to Eagle Pass next week and do exchanges with her, while our Sister training leader comes up with Sister Lund. I'm Stoked!
Friday: Sister Lund's Birthday! We got to go over to Marilyn and Jerry's house where she taught us to make peacon pie, and we showed her some mormon messages. She got all excited while I was taking pictures once she found out it was my minor, and she tried to accommodate my angles and turn on lights and things. She's a funny funny lady and I love being with her and her husband. If only we could get them to pray about the Book of Mormon now! We also stopped by and took treats to several less-actives to try and warm them up to us. Worked like a charm, we talked to a couple of people that didn't want contact before, and had a few lessons. An over all fun day. Plus I got my package :) we are also starting a piano class for the Spanish Branch since it's basically only the Sister Missionaries who can play. We're hoping to help the branch learn, and also get less-actives and investigators into the church building. We ordered the churches piano keyboard course which is going to be wonderful and we made flyers on friday. While the the computer lab in our apartments complexes office, we couldn't figure out how to write something in Spanish on the flyer, and So Sister Hopkins turns to the women next to us and says "do you speak Spanish?" ..."yes, I do actually" she said. She helped us get out what we wanted to say, and then she asked us questions about the church. Super neat telling her about missions and temples and she said she even might come to our piano class since she's always wanted to learn. She was super nice, recently married, and her dad is a minister for the pentecostal religion, and she's from Porta Rico. Hopefully she'll come :)
Saturday: More lessons, more visits. We stopped my Eloy and Rosie, the ones we watched The Testaments with, since we hadn't been able to finish it with them yet. We were able to watch the second half that night. SO GOOOOOD. The end gets me every time. They could cut out all but the last five minutes and I would still probably bawl every time. Rosie was so touched by it. She told us that she as FOR SURE going to read "that book" that night. We're meeting with them again tomorrow. Pray that all goes well.
Sunday: Rain. Golly. Sister Lund woke up with Pink eye, and neither of us felt good, so after church was a struggle. We biked to a less-active who didn't even want to talk our treats, and so we went to a former investigator. It turned out we had a nice meeting with him, he lives in a nursing home and his friend who helps him a lot was the reason he had stopped taking the lessons. But he's opening up to us again, and hopefully we'll get to teach him again. After that we had a lesson in Spanish. I taught the whole part about Joseph Smith and did the first vision in Spanish as well. My first time in a real lesson actually. Nine months in...we just don't have a lot of Spanish in this area. it's frustrating to say the least. But I guess God's got it planned out. I felt like a dork anyway while my companion who came out with me was whipping out subjunctive stuff, I could barely tell what happened with Joseph. Next time I guess. God sure does know how to humble us.
Well, family. I'm not sure what else to write. It's been a really long eventful week. Kiss those babies for me. Y'all sound like you're doing good :)
Take care,
Hermana Montgomery
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