Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"Can't we just lock her up in our basement and introduce her to all my friends?!"..."I think that's illegal.."

That's what Sister Clements asked me while talking about a struggling recent convert in Young Womens...she's pretty funny :)

Hello Mi Familia :)

How are y'all doing? I want to hear the details of the family! How's school? How's them babies? Soccer sounds fun for them. Angelina will be a good player, don't break any bones though :) Last aggressive player we had broke her bone.

So we still don't have a car. Yeah. We called the day that we were suppose to pick it up and they told us that the Church's insurance still hadn't gone through...so we were looking at another 2 weeks of being car less. Strugglin. So we walk. We would ride, but honestly, I think I get motion sickness, cause it's awful and tippy and awful. So much for all those scraped knees learning how to ride a bike. So we walk. We walked to an area to visit some less-actives, and I guessed that it was about four miles away, Sister Clements guessed a little more, and Celeste told us it was about three. Pooo. Not as cool as we though we were. Celeste, by the way, is the member that we live with. She is AWESOME! Super brilliant and funny, and so, so nice. We love her dearly and she has a good sense of humor.

So to help our companion-relationship we tell each other every night why were love the other person. Like we would do at the dinner table back home. It's good to be appreciative of our companions and helps us step outside of ourselves a bit more. I really do adore Sister Clements. She listens very well and she loves hearing about y'all. And she likes pictures just about as much as I do. It's a plus :)

We also have a very FULL dinner calendar. So we'll be living off of eggs, fruit and Jillian Michaels workouts. We do them in the mornings...and then we hurt the next day. Whooo! So, if you haven't mailed those other things off yet, you could stick in my P90x and bands if you wanted to :)

So last Monday we taught a less-active women and her non-member husband. He's a pretty good cook so we got a fabulous dinner out of it as well. She had a rough growing up and he's pretty skeptical about Joseph Smith, but he loves the stories in the Book of Mormon, and so the Sisters have been reading with him once a week. Sister Clements and I are wanting to challenge him more though, to help him progress. At one point during the lesson last week, after he was talking about the lack of faith that he has, I asked him to pray about the Book of Mormon, and that we'd follow up with him this week. He stopped and stared at us silently for a bit. Then he said that he would. His wife was teary. Sister Clements says that she likes that I am so bold. Is that what that is? Maybe, I just thought I was mouthing off a bit.

After trying to organize our brains out, Sister Clements and I asked a member to take us to Home Depot and we got a white board. A huge one to organize everything on. It's different from my last one, but I like it a lot more. I knew you wanted one. The Sister who took us to get it didn't understand at first why we would need a TRUCK, but once she saw it she understood. Her son is on his mission in CA waiting for his visa, and she wanted to get a picture of it from us to send to him, she loves our updates on it and seeing what we're doing. Glimpsing a bit of her son through us I think. The life of a Missionary Mom :)

I think I need to put Tri-Cities, WASHINGTON on my name tag. Because everyone asks where I'm from all the time. More so here that in my last areas. Or maybe there's just a lot more people here then in my last areas. And then they get all excited that I'm a Spanish Speaker. Tryin' anyways. Pero, esta bien!

I've been studying pretty hard during my Spanish Studies. And I still sing the hymn in our Companionship study in Spanish and read the White handbook in Spanish. It helps a bit. Celeste served her mission in Chile, so she helps me out whenever she's home. She still uses it a lot in her job, so it's nice to have someone who knows the language pretty well. I don't remember if I told y'all or not, but there is a Spanish certificate Missionaries can receive in my Mission. You have to pass (75%) a Spanish test, speak 500 hours of Spanish and read the whole Book of Mormon in Spanish. Gah! We get to take the test every transfer meeting if we want to. I've taken it...never mind. I won't tell you how many times I've taken it already. But I'm moving up on it. I feel a lot better about it this last time I took it then I ever have before. And I've been studying better for it this transfer. And have a goal to finish the Book of Mormon in Spanish in the next two transfers. So just got to figure out the hours. It's difficult in an English area and with an English Companion. But it'll come through.

We got to go to a fish fry on Saturday night. Whooo. A neighboring ward put it on to get non-members mingling with members, and the Elder's invited us. It was pretty fun. It was hard to tell who was members and who was't, since it wasn't our ward. Not that I really knew the difference anyway since I'm still trying to figure out our members.

Sister Clements and I are also singing in the Stake Choir in Conference this weekend. My voice is hoarse from singing. I haven't sung like that in a while.

I've been doing a Special study on the Atonement and Character of Christ.You know when you get in those lame ruts where you think you're not going to learn that much more than you knew before...and then God laughs at you and you're proven SO wrong..?Yeah. That happened this week. My mind is blown away. EVERYDAY. I've been reading the Preach My Gospel Section on Christlike attributes, the Book of Mormon, the New Testament, Jesus the Christ, and a packet I got from President Jones with a bunch of talks on the Atonement. It is a beautiful thing, and I always run out of time during personal study. I've been having themes from Preach My Gospel for each week, so like last week it was Faith, this week it'll be Hope etc...so I study it and try to develop it more during that week. It's been incredible to see how much I have learned, and how my faith has increased. Things we would teach and talk about in lessons would tie into things that I had studied. It's been neat to see how I am prepared after I study. So to finish off my study on Faith, I figured out my own tangible definition. 

Ahem: "Faith is acting accordingly to our belief in Jesus Christ, with full confidence of receiving blessings, according to His promises to us as the Son of God and our Savior." 

What's your definition of faith?   

Well fam. That's about all for now.
les Quiero Muchisimo!

Hermana C. Montgomery

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