That is the question I sat up and asked Sister Leavitt grinning this morning in the middle of Personal study. Funny thought.
I don't really think I'll ever get use to how fast time flys here. I hit my four month mark. Oh WOW.
This week I:
- Taught eight first lessons.
- Reached over 100 degrees.
- Sweated buckets from said heat.
- Gave away four Book of Mormons to people we talked with on the street.
- Backed the car out a million times.
- Attended Institute class for the first time.
- And Found out I got a 9% on the Mission Spanish test (native speakers fail this test, and most missionaries take it 2-6+ times to pass it. I thought I would get like a 3%).
It's been an eventful week. Whew. We decide to go and see a past investigator that Sister Wright had let go of right before we got into Texas. We weren't really sure why, and we didn't know if we would have time that night, but we decided to stop by. We knocked on her door, and after a while we figured she wasn't home. Then the dorr opened and she peeked out. Then she said "Weird." I was a bit confused at first, but then she stepped outside more and said "I was just reading the Mormon Book!" She invited us in and she talked about how only minutes before we knocked she had picked up the Book of Mormon, knowing that it was what she needed to do. She was asking herself if she would have to courage to go back to church alone, right as we knocked on her door.
I don't believe in Chance. Nope. not one Bit. God is real.
We invited her to come to institute class the next day, and we met her there, thus,I attended my first non-seminary/non-BYUI Book of Mormon class. She LOVED it. Who'm I kidding, I LOVED IT. She brought a notebook to take notes, and the next day when we met with her, she raved about how great it was and how much more she knows now. We invited her to pray about setting her own Baptismal date, adn she said that she would. That night we also shared Elder Hollands talk "The First Great Commandment" from last October Conference. I might have needed that talk more than she did. Just in case y'all don't remember it, or need an extra pick me up today, or a call back to reality and what is important, here is the link.
Y'all can even watch it for FHE or something. It's deffinitally a favorite. Forever. My favorite line was
'If ye love me, keep my commandments,' Jesus said. So we have neighbors to bless, children to protect, the poor to lift up, and the truth to defend. We have wrongs to make right, truths to share, and good to do. In short, we have a life of devoted discipleship to give in demonstrating our love of the Lord. We can’t quit and we can’t go back. After an encounter with the living Son of the living God, nothing is ever again to be as it was before. The Crucifixion, Atonement, and Resurrection f Jesus Christ mark the beginning of a Christian ife, not the end of it. It was this truth, this reality, that allowed a handful of Galilean fishermen-turned-again- Apostles without ' single synagogue or sword' to leave those nets a second time and go on to shape the history of the world in which we now live."
I love the Gospel. If I have learned anything on my mission so far, it is of gaining a firmer and stronger testimony of the reality and truth of Christ's restored Gospel. The Gospel is true. Nothing else Matters. Leave those nets.
This week we also had a lesson with a lessactive member, and we talked about having a perfect day. Do you remember that lesson that Sister Armatige gave last summer Mom? I'll share the recipe for those of you who don't know.
So we shared that with her, and for each step, we did it. We prayed with her, we read the scriptures with her, walked her dogs outside with her for her mom, and then we encouraged her to set and reach one goal for that day. By the end, she was smiling and happy.
Well, family. I think that's about all for this week. Keep the letters rolling. Transfer calls come. SAY WHAT?! I don't know how to cope with the time going so fast.
Until Next week!
Con Amor,
Su hija,
Hermana Montgomery
This week we also had a lesson with a lessactive member, and we talked about having a perfect day. Do you remember that lesson that Sister Armatige gave last summer Mom? I'll share the recipe for those of you who don't know.
- Pray every morning and night.
- Read your scriptures every day.
- One act of sincere act of service.
- Set one goal of your choice for that day, and then accomplish it.
So we shared that with her, and for each step, we did it. We prayed with her, we read the scriptures with her, walked her dogs outside with her for her mom, and then we encouraged her to set and reach one goal for that day. By the end, she was smiling and happy.
Well, family. I think that's about all for this week. Keep the letters rolling. Transfer calls come. SAY WHAT?! I don't know how to cope with the time going so fast.
Until Next week!
Con Amor,
Su hija,
Hermana Montgomery
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