Monday, April 1, 2013

A Whole Bunch of Firsts

(Must read in the tone Nacho would use)
How is everyone?! I've spent so much time enjoying everyone's emails that I now have to speed type. it could be a struggle. Pero, esta bein.
Well, It's been a busy week and I can hardly believe that it's only been a week. Sister Wright and Sister Miller both agree with me that it feels like we've been together for MONTHS. So much has happened since coming to San Marcos that I feel that I must have lived here my whole life. Sister MIller said "if it weren't for my lack of knowledge of how to get anywhere, I'd have said I've lived here my whole life." True Statement.
A lot of firsts happened to me this week. Let me share a few:
I met and taught my first "wickin" this week, I think that's how you'd spell wickin, not really sure. It was interesting, and she accepted a Book of Mormon and said that if she felt it was right, she would keep reading it. Interesting.
I spent my first Easter away from home. Weird. Yeah. Last year, school ended right before Easter and so I was able to come home. And so I spent the day knocking on doors. In the rain. Interesting.But it was so good. I met two people who let us in and we had excellant lessons on the Atonement and both scheduled a time for us to come back and teach them again.
I went to my first lds non-temple wedding. The sisters before me had been teaching a couple, and they just got married. The girl, Sarah was disowned by her family for deciding to get married and baptized, and so it was really good that our trio was there to support her, since no one in her family was there. I really admire these people who set aside everything in their lives to follow what they know is right. Kevin and Sarah are already planning their Temple wedding ina year, and it's so exciting to see them learn and grow.
I also gave my first talk as a missionary. Yes, since there are only about 30-45 people in our small YSA branch, when someone new comes into the ward, they snatch them up fast. They asked me to speak on the Atonement, and for some reason, maybe because I was a missionary speaking and needed to be wise, or becuase I still hardly know anyone in the ward, or maybe it was that the Atonement is so important and I wanted to deliever it in the best way possible, any of those reasons could be it, but I was really nervous and stressing out over this talk. But it took place, and went pretty well. And now I can breath a little.But really, as a missionary, everyone expects you to know the answer. There is a very high standard for Sister Missionaries, and boy, when they call on me in class to answer the question, my hands start sweating. That's never happened to me before. Sweaty hands. It's weird. A whole new level of nerves I guess.
Our Branch President taught the combined lesson in our Branch yesterday, and we talked about a Book of Mormon Challange at one point. He told a story about a missionary who had the goal to read the Book of Mormon every month while on his mission. And he did. He read it 24 times on his mission. That really impressed me. Our Branch president and his wife decided to try to read the whole Book of Mormon in March, and they did. He said that he wanted to know if he could do it himself before asking his branch to take on the challange. And so he challenged us to read it. And then do it again. There is great power to be had in studying the Book of Mormon a little, or a lot, everyday.
The work is so great here. Everyday I am amazed at the people and their faith and strength. God's hand is in our lives everyday.
I love you all, and hope that you are doing TOO FANTASTIC.
Hug Shar for me.
The Hermana Montgomery

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