Saturday, July 27, 2013

"...I think I'm a Mormon..."

So, this last transfer, I don't know if I remember telling you, was a trail one in this area, seeing if there was enough work to keep full time missionaries assigned exclusively to the YSA Branch. We had our Sister Training Leader on an exchange with us again this week, checking things out. At the end, she asked me "Do you think that  this area has enough work for you to do." I told her that if we had one more transfer, we could finish figuring that out. And so, we shall stay.  Family, this area has my heart. I want it to succeed so bad.
We talked to our Branch Missionaries and Elder's Quorum President in one of our meetings on Sunday. our Elder's Quorum-who has been a God-send started to tear up, and told us "You can't leave now. It's be like pulling the center poll out from a tent that is being set up. Things would fall, and we just got started" We don't want to be their center. We want them to be able to do this, with our without the missionaries, missionaries are just there to assist and teach. Our Branch is capable, they just need a funnel to channel their efforts. We need to help them have that funnel.
Sister Young and I were driving to an appointment the other day, and discussing what we would do if we were pulled this week from the area. I said "It'd be like...Dumbledore leaving behind all the clues for Harry in the last book, so that he could finish the work...we would have to leave clues helping our Branch know what to do, so that we could come back." Sister Young, who is just as much of a Harry Potter fanatic as I am agreed with me.
While our Sister Training Leader was visiting, we decided to practice teaching the Plan of SPANISH! Then, while we were out making visits to people in downtown San Antonio, we were actually able to use what we had practiced and we taught an older less-active women the Plan of Salvation in Spanish. Sister Brunsdale told us after that it was neat to see the difference between how we taught practicing, and how we taught in real life. She said that everything that we said was just grammatically correct. And It was more open and personal. Teaching a person, not a lesson. It is really neat to see how God changes and qualifies us, while teaching. It encouraged me to speak in Spanish more, because I really can learn this language, even if I'm not in a Spanish Area. One night this week, Sister Young and I only spoke in Spanish for about three hours, if we couldn't figure out how to say it, we said it a different way. It was neat to see how much we improved in just those short hours. I love Spanish so much, and I can't wait to be able to just rattle away in it.
Que Mas?
But jumping back. There was one trainee last week, Michael, who came to our lesson. He was here again this week, and really involved in our Gospel Principles class that Sister Young and I teach. After the class, as people were leaving down the stairs, he motioned for us to come over to him. So we lean in and scoot closer to him, and he whispers to us "...I think I might be a Mormon..." he said it in almost a half panic whisper, like he had woke up one morning and found he had a pink eye and didn't know what to do with it. It was pretty funny. We asked him why he thought that, and he was speechless. He said "I was just thinking about the lesson the other day this week, I was lying down on my bunk, and I had this feeling...I can't even explain it!" It's like we could start a whole new slogan "I think I'm a Mormon" with all of those people who realize that they understand why people are Mormons, and they want to be to. He and two others talked to us yesterday about what they would have to do to get baptized. When calling in numbers that night, our district leader, Elder Flinders asked us how many Baptism invites we had then on Lackland, and we were like "well, we hadn't invited them yet, they just came and asked us!" It has been the coolest experience watching them eat up the lessons. If only everyone could see the Gospel the way that they do.
Sister Young and I have also started to write out lesson plans from Preach my Gospel. I decided that this Transfer I want to become a Preach My Gospel Missionary. A real one. I want to know Preach My Gospel front and back and rightside up and upside down. And in Spanish. That's all. I've decided that I have been given such a great tool, and I want to use it better. It has been incredible to see the change that has already happened in my understanding and teaching as I've started to dig in. I LOVE THE GOSPEL.
Today, Sister Young and I got distracted in personal study with mind Blowing information about dispensations and the D&C. Oh man. I finally looked at the clock and realized that we had gone 30 mins over. I almost fell off my chair. Oh man. But, do you know what an extra 30 mins of scrpture study does for you?! It's like caffinee. Or a 2am dance off in the kitchen at school. Not that I ever did that mom...but really. Sister Young and I were so excited telling each other what we had learned and everything that we couldn't sit still. When you feel this way about the Gospel, it's too much to hold in. You've got to share it.
Well, family. I love ya.
Lovingly, Hermana M.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Jots and Tittles

Hey. How are you guys doing? Good. Kiss those Birthday kids for me. They're gettin too old.
Well, it's been a long week. I don't even know what happened. Sometimes I lose my memory with how busy we are. Sister Young can attest to that. She told me one day, "you're not very good about rememebering these things" after I had asked her three times what address we were going to. I responded "yeah, it's struggle." Sister Wright warned me that someday I would lose my brain like her. Comes with the training I guess.
So ya want the big news? Yes.  We have a BAPTISM. WHOOOO!  Yes, set for Saturday at 5pm. It's exciting. We are making all the plans tonight with Mark, and we're crossing our fingers that everything goes through. The hardest part is going to be transitioning him to the family ward after his baptism, since he's already older than the age limit for the YSA kids. Things are proving difficult getting permission and organizing everything, but, it's going to work out and be okay.
We've have been meeting with all of the bishops in the stake to discuss their YSA satus, and to get an idea of who would be good people to work with. Well, we met wih the Adams Hill Spanish Ward Bishop Yeserday. OH WOW. SPANISH. ehhhhh. We were told that he "spoke English kind'a" and we responded "well, we kind'a speak Spanish...sooo...". We thought about having the elders in the Spanish ward come and help us, but then I said "we have been Spanish called, we can do this." So we did. OH WOW. I haven't been spoken so much to in Spanish since the MTC and I walked away with a spiked headache. Pero, esta bien. Natives speak so fast. And we were old that he was nothin'. He started to say the opening prayer, and I might have gasped out loud. Spanish is difficult, but I love listening to people talk in Spanish. As long as they don't ask us any questions we have to answer. haha But he talked to us for a moment about when he was called as a Bishop. He said that he wasn't ready, and I think he had not been a memeber for very long. He said that he was very overwhalmed and felt very unpreprared. But he said that somebody, I think the stake president, told him not to worry about it. God qaulifies those He calls. Afterwards, Sister Young and I were talking about it in the car while driving to our dinner appoinment, and she said "it's was like he was talking about us. Like he knew what we were feeling this week." Say what you feel like you should say. You never know when you might answer someone elses'  prayers. Even when the answer is in Spanish.
We met with a less-active this week, who had been a memeber his whole life, knew "all the Book of Mormon stories" had "taken all those missinary lessons" and yet somehow missed why the church was important. or what made it true. We asked if we could start meeting with him each week to go over the lessons, and when he asked why, Sister Young was quick as a whip responding "because I'm training and I need to practice teaching people, will you help us?" Sure enough, we couldn' resist helping us. So we started reading Alma 34, which is very dear to my heart, after church, since we were giving him that chapter for homework. Our Elders Quorm Presiden and one other Young guy in our ward joined our "nerdy-mormon-scripure-sudy" and all parties invloved actually got really into talking about the Atonement, jots and tittles, and why we need a Savior. Even our less-active didn't want to stop when Sister Young and I had to go to a meeting. We're excited to get him involved reading the Book of Mormon. For those of you who don't know, I invite you to look up what a "jot" and "tittle" are, and then read Alma 34 and think about why those words were used in describing the Atonement and the law, and what that would mean for you in your life. Great insights can come from paying attention to word choice in the Book of Mormon. I keep my dictionary handy while studying.
I also may or may not have cut my hair into a short bob. It's fun.
Sister Young and I have also been listening to the Book of Mormon in Spanish while driving in the car. It makes those long drives out to less-actives way more entertaining and educational. And Spiritual. It's neat.
In our Zone meeting this week, we were given a referals challange from our Zone Leaders. The companionship with the most MEMEBR referals recived and contact before tansfers (2 weeks away) would recieve a prize. Got to get some competitive and creative juices flowin'. Afterwards, I was talking to our Zone leader, Elder Weavers for a minute, and he told me that he expected Siser Young and I to win. Cool. No Pressure.
Being a missionary is difficult. But I wouldn' t trade these experiences or relationships for the world. Missionary work really is something bigger than just a church or even just a part of a church. It really is "The Work of Salvation." And it's not just for missionaries. It's for everyone. Please, don't be left out of this work. Get invloved. People need what you have. And no matter what it may be, you do have something to share.
I'm just about out of time now. I love you all and pray for you.  "Hope on. Journey on" (Elder Holland I Believe April 2013 General Conference)
Hermana C. Montgomery

With Glory Trailing From Their Feet

Como Esta?! Estoy Muy animado para esta area!

So, now to the nitty-grittes.
First. We met our new Mission President at our Zone Conference this week. PRESIDENT SLAUGHTER. He's really young, and bursting to get to work in Texas. While talking about all of the up and coming changes from the braodcast, he stated "the devil has had his hands on technology long enough, it's the Lord's turn." WHOOOOO! I wrote that one down in my journal. It makes me really excited for all of the changes and what else is going to be expanded and used. It's an exciting time to be a missionary. President Slaughter also had us switch our name tags. From the left side, to the right side. IDENTITY CRISIS! It's a struggle knowing where to point to our names no when introducing ourselves, pero, esta bien. It's going to be a world wide switch soon, coming from Elder Anderson. It's so  that when we shake people's hands,  they'll be staring right at our name tags, with the name of the Church BOLD and in the face a bit, so that they know exactly who we are and who we represent.
Second. Our Book of Mormon Branch challenge. What the WHAT?! We...have had SUCH a good experience already. One week in. Yesterday, testimony meeting never lacked for testimonies, and all but one person talked about the challenge that "the sisters" gave. INCREDIBLE. I cried. Our Branch is changing. in one week. It was so cool hearing about ways that people were finding time to read more, and about the sacrificies they were making to do it. Even our Branch Presidency has endorsed it and is loving it. All of those laying on the bathroom floor crying and praying sessions were worth it. AND. We had FORTY-EIGHT people there. Yes, it may sound like small pickin's, but we've been told that the most they've had in the last three years was thirty-two. The Lord knows what He is doing here. Speakin of which...
Third. I was doubting. The other day, right before my personal study, I was worried. I doubted if we could really make a difference in our area, and I was wondering why on earth two fresh kids had been placed on the block  to get the job done. I basically had forgotten that God is in control. Just so happens I was reading in 2 Nephi Ch. 7-8 that day. Whew.  I got a bit of a chastening.
  • 2 Nephi 7:2 "...O house of Isreal, is my hand shortened at all that it cannot redeem, or have I no power to deliver? Behold, at my rebuke I dry up the sea, I make their rivers a wilderness..."  Don't worry, it gets better.
  • 2 Nephi 8:3 "For the Lord shall comfort Zion, he will comfort all of her waste plaecs; He will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving and the voice of melody."  Uhhh, my companions name is melodee. Yeah. Keep going.
  • 2 Nephi 8:16 " ...I have put my words in thy mouth, and have covered thee in the shadow of my hand, that I may plant the heavens and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion: Behold, thou art my people." 
  • And last 2 Nephi 8: 24-25 "Awake, awake, put on thy strength, O Zion put on the beautiful garments...loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion."
Speechless. Astonished.  God knows who we are. Not only that, He knows where He has called them and what He has called them to do. Blank, dumbfounded, astonishment. The Book of Mormon is true. Without a doubt.
Well, family. I hope y'all are doing well. Time has run out. I love you all. Happy Birthday to all you July birthdays!
Hermana Montgomery :)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Four Hundred and Fifty Names?!

Hello family!
Last week we got a list of all of the Young Single Adults in our stake, and there were over 450 names on it. In our branch we have about 25-30 who come. Yes, we have work to do. So we've been meeting with Bishops in each of the wards to see who is actually active and who they would like us to work with the most. It's been a challenge trying to coordinate with 11 very busy bishops, but we're slowly working our way into the schedules.
We've also worked hard this week to find a decent map of our area. We finally talked to our Sister Training Leader, and she took the Elders map book, copied over 60 pages and then taped them together for us. It is flawless. And 3ft X 4ft. HUGE. We took it to a Fedex company and were able to make two copies of it. It's pretty legit. We also got a 12ft X7ft white board to keep track of all of our referrals and less actives. It's a project getting it all organized.
On Friday, (actually all week) I was feeling like a bum because our number count was so low for contacts and lessons and things, and I felt like I should ask for a blessing from the Elders. I felt like I should be able to do it, and didn't want to ask for help. I was reading a talk, Elder Hollands talk "I Believe" from this last conference, and at one point he said "When doubts and fears come, don't be afraid to ask for help." Written just for me. I felt like I'd been kicked a little bit, and I called my district leader. So my district leader, his companion, and our zone leader who was on an exchange with them, came over and gave me a blessing. Why does God always have to be right and know what's best for me? Everything that was said addressed everything that I couldn't cope with. Everything. I felt so humbled by the idea that God knew who I was, and He wasn't leaving me alone in this work. I was told not to focus on our numbers, because they weren't describing all of the things that we were working on in this area. God is so smart, isn't He?
The Elders are great too. After the blessing they burned down a beehive that was outside our door for us. There was a lot of hairspray, a lighter, and a LOT of excited yelling in Spanish. They're fun.
After the Broadcast last week, Sister Young had a bit of a chastening, we started talking and planning about our Branch, and we realized that we were asking for referrals and things from our members, but why on earth would they want to help us our work with us, if they felt like we only wanted to know their friends. The Lord loves all his children. Memebers and nonmemebers alike. And our Branch was struggling. We realized that we needed to build up our memebers testimonies before we could try and help them share their testimonies. And so we prayed. A lot.  After praying all last week about how we could most help our Branch, we felt inspired to challenge them to read the Book of Mormon. In a month. Elder Bednar style.  So we were able to get a box of Book of Mormons... OOHH, jumping back.  First. Sister Young and I teach Gospel Principles on the Air Force Base, and the plan was to teach about Baptism this last Sunday, but we both felt like we should prepare to teach about the Book of Mormon. When we got to Base, we found out that since it was the 5th Sunday, we wouldn't be teaching, since they did something different. We were both pretty disappointed  BUT. We got over to our Palo Alto YSA Branch, and our speakers didn't show up for sacrament meeting. So our bishop decided to speak and give his lesson planned for the second hour, and leave the whole second hour Sunday School period to the "Wonderful Sister Missionaries" instead of just the 10 mins he'd promised us to present our Book of Mormon challenge. CHOAS. PANIC. We had a 45 min lesson to teach instead of a 10 min challenge. WAHHH! Oh wait...we planned a lesson! On none other than the BOOK OF MORMON.
Boom. Mind Bomb. The Lord knows what He is doing. And He totally prepares a way. We just have to learn how to trust Him and not freak out in those blind moments.  And so we gave an excellent lesson, handed out Book of Mormons, challenged them, and they accepted. It, will be INCREDIBLE to see the changes that will happen. The Lord's hand in is this work. No, the Lord's handS are in this work. Both of 'em. Because he is hastening his work.
So I bet you all want to know some fun facts now:
  • The steet names here are...CRAZY. Really. They are too much for me sometimes. Things like "Just my Style" or "Enchanted Lane" or my Favorite "Cheyenne Star" yes. I finally found something with my name on it. Never found one of those dumb kay chains with my name on it, so I'll just take a road sign.
  • I memorized D&C section 4. In a day. I wrote it on my bathroom mirror and then memorized it last week while doing my hair and make-up. It was really effective. Now, I'm trying to memorize it in Spanish. It's a bit harder. Whenever I'm holding still sometimes, and feel like I should be doing something, I practice saying the First vision in Spanish. I hope to memorize a lot more, and a lot faster. Now is the time to do it.
  • Your new Mission President...President Ware...He's one of the uncles of an Elder in my MTC district, Elder Ware. He's here in Texas with me. SMALL WORLD. I think I told you that already. Elder Ware Told me in the MTC when he realized where I was from.
Well family. I love you. Y'all are so great. Take care.
Until Next week,
Hermana Montgomery